
Interview with Juliette JANNES

Emissions breakdown - a more detailed analysis to accurately identify the carbon intensity of my products…

Podcasts are a powerful and practical format, and we responded to the call from the APCC—the Association of Climate Consulting Professionals—to explain how to move from a macro perspective to a specific one in emissions measurement… from the overall carbon footprint to the carbon weight of products.
In this podcast, Juliette Jannes, co-founder and president of Rong Yi Solutions, detailed the concept of emissions disaggregation— a more refined analysis to accurately identify the carbon intensity of our products. She also discussed the low-carbon transition in the industrial sector and the work we have done with our clients.
She specifically mentioned their motivations for embarking on this journey, how they disaggregate their emissions at the product and service level, and the impact this has on their value chain, competitiveness, and overall performance.

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